Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Youth reaching the children

Tonight I spoke to the high schoolers asking them to get involved in our Awana program. I don't understand all of the reasons why the children love them, but I do know that God can use them to not only make a little kid laugh, they can open their hearts so easily. So many stories come to my mind of little kids who loved their leaders and opened up to them about things that nobody knew about.

I want those kids in Awana to learn their verses, I want them to study their Bible, but more than anything else I want them to have a leader that loves them and cares about everything in their life. I want them to not only learn about Jesus, I want them to see Him.

With prayer and encouragement from their youth leader I believe we will see some big things happen. My prayer is for 30 youth to be involved. Let's see what God will do. So far, prayer has taken care of all my needs preparing for Awana this year.