Saturday, July 12, 2008

Camp Messages

I am speaking at Camp this coming week. For five days I will sharing the gospel to at least 300 kids who very likely will attend this Day Camp 2 or 3 times this summer. That means you can't use the same message each week that you speak and it is very likely that the many of the kids are only there because it is replacing day care. Here in the northwest it is very easy to assume that the majority of these kids do not have Jesus in their heart and do not even understand the gospel. This is quite a challenge because I need to keep it simple and it needs to be very entertaining for these young children. My prayer is that these children will leave at the end of this week understanding the basic message of the gospel and either accept Christ or begin searching for Christ in their life.


Bryan Buchleiter said...

You will be in our prayers as you embrace this great opportunity. I know if it were me I would just be praying that I get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit do His thing! Always great to have a front row seat when that happens.